What Are SEO Keywords?

What are SEO Keywords

Do you know where to place your keywords in your blog post to improve your ranking on search engines? This blog post explains where to put keywords in your blog posts for SEO.

When we create a post, it is important that we use SEO keywords in our content so that our audience and search engines like Google can quickly understand what our content is about

What Are SEO Keywords?

SEO Keywords are words or phrases that best describe what our content is about. When people are searching for products or information on search engines, they will tend to use specific words or phrases to find an answer to their questions. These words that people enter into search engines are called “search queries“.

While analyzing our content, search engines will put a higher importance on some parts of our post. Therefore, by placing our keywords into those specific places, it will help search engines better understand the topic of our content, and with that our content can appear higher on search engine result pages (SERP) for the correct search queries. With a higher SERP ranking, ensure that users can find our posts easily which will increase your organic website traffic.

Where To Put Keywords On My Website?

It is essential to know how to choose the best phrases and keywords for our post to make your site number one on SERP. We need to understand the intent of our users to attract the

right traffic, and we need to choose keywords that people are actually searching for. Doing keyword research and targeting long-tail keywords can help you with this. You can use a keyword tool like keyword sheeter, Keyword io, uber suggest to conduct our keyword research.

These are several places where we can place our keywords for SEO:

  1. Headings and Content
  2. File Names And Alt Text
  3. Title Tag
  4. URL
  5. Meta Description
  6. Link Text

1. Headings and Content

First on the list is the body of your content. It can be tricky, but try using your keywords in the most natural way. Instead of stuffing your focus keyword into every sentence, use some synonyms as well as LSI keywords.


Headings and subheadings are <h1>, <h2>, and <h3> Html tags. These are the section titles that the user sees on the page. Do not ignore your <h1> and <h2> tags and make sure to implement your keywords into these titles naturally. These titles help Google identify what the content is about in each section. Generally, make sure to use your focus keyword in your <h1>, as well as in some subheadings.


The next place is your content. Having main keywords throughout your content sends search engines a signal that these keywords are related to your topic. Besides your main keyword, try to incorporate synonyms and LSI keywords, and create a natural flow for your readers.

While you want to optimize your content for search engines, your main focus should always be on your readers. Using keywords will help search engines to index your content higher on SERPs, but if your post doesn’t provide high-quality content that your readers find interesting, all your SEO keywords are useless. Search engines will quickly notice that users are unsatisfied with your content, and will then degrade your ranking.

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Also remember, if too many identical keywords keep appearing in your content, Google might penalize your blog for keyword stuffing. The same goes for headings! So, as already mentioned, try to keep a close eye on your keyword density.

‘Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears in comparison to the overall number of words on the page. The optimal keyword density ranges from 0.5% to 2.5%, so make sure to stay below the limit.

2.     Image File Names And Alt Text

Image alt texts are a minor search ranking factor, but they still hold value. If you think about it, how many times have you ended up landing on a website due to an image you found? That said, images alone have the strength to bring people to your website, which is why you should optimize your images with keywords. People are always interested in great images and infographics, so make sure that people can find your images easier by using the right alt text.

Check out these two examples below:

<img src=”IMG4302.png” alt=”photo”>

<img src=”vinylrecords.png” alt=”vinyl records in a drawer”>

The alt text of images is for search engines to know what the image is about, it can also be important for your readers. When pictures can’t be loaded due to internet speed problems, alt texts can tell the user what the image is supposed to show. Also, the alt text is very important for users with visual impairment.

3.     Title Tag

The importance of titles cannot be stressed enough because it is the first thing your readers see. To optimize your title tags for SEO, make sure to include your main keyword to let search engines and users know what your post is about. As an example, in the screenshot below you can see that we made sure to include the keyword ‘backlink building’ in our post about backlink building methods.

In order to attract traffic that is likely to convert (make a purchase, read your full blog post, sign up for your newsletter, or any other action that you count as a conversion/goal), make use of long-tail keywords in your title tag. While titles that use long-tail keywords are rather specific and therefore might not have a big impact on your website traffic, they attract the right users that are looking exactly for the information or product you’re offering. The most effective placement of keywords on the title page is at the beginning of the title tag. Of course, you shouldn’t try to trick anyone by writing a title that has nothing to do

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with the content of your post. While such ‘clickbait titles’ might get you many clicks, your readers will be disappointed with the content and will quickly exit your website.

Instead, come up with a title that perfectly reflects the content your reader is about to read. A study conducted by backlinko suggests that title tags that include a question have a 14.1% higher CTR (Click-through- rate) than those that don’t. Hence, you could use a very specific question or answer in your title tag to grab the attention of new and returning visitors.

4.     URL

Adding keywords in your URL can make your website or blog appear more visible and credible for readers.

While URLs are not considered as an official ranking factor, it is a good idea to consider it for your users. According to a study, URLs that include a keyword have a 45% higher CTR. So, even though URLs are not an official ranking factor, they can increase the click- rate and therefore are an indirect ranking factor.

With a readable URL that includes keywords, users are aware of the content of your post, instead of guessing what random numbers and letters might mean. So, make your URL more informative and clickable, with having two to four keywords separated with dashes.

5.     Meta Description

With high competition on the first page of SERPs, the chance to improve your website’s click-through rate by optimizing your meta description. In the screenshot below, you can see how we used the keywords ‘backlinks’ and ‘backlink building’ within the meta description of our backlink building post.

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Even though adding keywords in your meta description won’t influence your rank on Google, the titles and URLs are two determining factors for people to click. Hence, meta descriptions are strong indirect ranking factors. Make sure to create descriptive and persuasive meta descriptions that make the users curious about your content.

6.     Link Text

According to a study from Moz, links are still an essential factor for the ranking of your website. When using external links, meaning that you include a link in your content to an external site, make sure to select relevant and reliable websites. You only want to link to high-quality content that adds additional and valuable information to your own content. To optimize your links for SEO, you can place your target keywords in the anchor text. The anchor text of a link is the clickable text that is either highlighted or in bold.

Keyword placement in your anchor text is important for your users and search engines to know where the link is leading to. Next to that, by analyzing the keywords in the anchor text and the content of the link’s destination, search engines can get a good understanding of what your post is about. Hence, it is important to only link to relevant content and to use relevant anchor texts.

Next to external links, you can also use internal links that contain your keywords to link to

relevant content on your website. Internal links are of course a great place to use your keywords, but they’re also great because you can introduce additional valuable information to your users while also increasing traffic on your other posts.

Don’t forget to use a variety of keywords in your anchor text. Using the same anchor text many times might result in a penalty from Google because they will perceive it as a black hat SEO link scheme.

Top Keywords

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Taking the time to understand how to use keywords in blog posts will help you craft blog content that is optimized for both customers and search engines algorithm. Once you start putting these guidelines into practice regularly, integrating the right keywords in your blog posts is a skill that is sure to become second nature. If you are looking for better way to rank your website and keyword research then join our diploma course in digital marketing online or classroom.

How to Grow your Social Media Followers in (2022)?

How-to-Grow- Social-Media-Followers-in-2022

Social media began as to how to attach people. However, today it’s become a go-to destination for businesses. Whether you own an online business or an offline one, you can’t afford to not have a social media presence.

Social media may be a fantastic way to promote your business. It’s free, you can target your posts and your audience reach is endless.

Increasing your followers should be at the forefront of your mind and social media strategy. Why?

Because most people, particularly younger social users, want value from the brands they follow. So, looking at getting more followers means it isn’t about the sort of content you’re producing. It’s about who you’re as a brand. You have to point out you’re trustworthy and reliable to grow your social following.

Here are a number of the simplest practices and concepts for organically growing your following on social media in 2021.

1.  Set your goals

Before you get to work on improving your social media presence, confirm you’ve clear goals in mind. You should have thought of exactly what you would like to achieve.

This must be done before you start the other steps of your campaign. If you don’t do this, you’d possibly end up wasting a while and resources.

It’s important that you know how each social media platform that you use works. And you should have thought of the precise audience that you are targeting.

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Some questions to grow your social media followers or how to increase your social media followers or the way to increase your social media presence overall. Having specific goals will allow you to measure your success and increase your social media presence at the top of the day.

2.  Create a good profile

When you join a social media platform or are about to implement your strategy, check your profile first. You must complete your profile and fill in every single field that is applicable to your business. A complete profile could also be a necessity for growing your social media presence.

Create a quick bio for your brand that tells your story. While scripting this bio, use a couple of relevant keywords which can help drive traffic to your profile to

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grow your social media following on all channels. You can find such relevant keywords by using tools like Google Keyword Planner.

It is important to possess personal branding on social media. One simple way to achieve this is often to start out by ensuring that you simply have both your cover photo and display pictures in place. These should ideally have your brand’s logo somewhere and be attractive too. Your profile images work as deciding factors of whether the viewer will scroll down or just navigate away.

Once your profile is complete with the specified information, it improves your brand’s credibility. Whenever anyone visits your profile, if they find relevant information, they’re going to start trusting your brand further.

3.  Follow relevant accounts

You can grow followers, but as long as they know that your brand may be a legitimate one. When deciding the way to increase your social media presence you would like to think about what is going to help to prove your legitimacy. One way is to follow other brands and accounts of real people.

The point to be kept in mind is that these accounts should ideally be relevant to your brand and business. And many of those people or brands may even follow you back, thus improving your credibility.

4.  Interact with your audience

Once you’ve gathered some followers, you’ll start posting helpful content on your accounts. However, simply posting content with links or media won’t assist you to grow your social media presence. You really got to interact together with your audience to start out grabbing their interest. Make sure that you respond to their posts or reply to them when they comment on your posts.

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The idea is to connect with your audience and make them feel connected to your brand. Only when your audience feels connected to your brand will they need to find out more about it. Once they feel connected to your brand, they’ll even visit your website or read more of your posts.

5.  Understand your audience

After beginning to interact with your audience, you need to figure out their needs. It is only then that you’ll be ready to interact with them on a more personal level.

Creating a strong social media presence starts by understanding how to reach your target market. When you know what your audience wants to ascertain or read, you’ll tailor your content to suit them. When they are ready to relate to the content better, they’ll engage with it more which will help increase your social media followers.

6.  Put follow buttons on your website

Don’t waste the traffic that you are getting on your website. Use it to gain valuable followers on your social media accounts and grow your social media presence.

These buttons are an easy way to increase your social media presence and number of followers.

7.  Use hashtags

Just like you use keywords to attract visitors to your website, hashtags are crucial if you’d wish to extend your exposure on social media. Twitter and Instagram are where hashtags are most ordinarily used so you should always attempt to use them when posting on these channels.

Hashtags help to bring more people to your pages because anyone searching for the word you’ve used will see your post. It is however important to stay on topic. You shouldn’t be commenting or posting on everything that’s trending – it must be relevant to your business.

8.  Be consistent

One of the most important mistakes small businesses make with their social media is posting too sporadically.

In order to draw in followers within the first place, people got to see that your account is active and to retain followers, you would like to supply your audience with interesting content on a regular basis.

9.  Share Your Profiles

One good way to find out how to increase your social media presence is just to share your brand’s social profiles. Share your social media handles with people you know. This

tactic will make them conscious of your presence on social media platforms helping you see the success it can have on growing socially. They may even share them with people they know and help spread the word.

10. Give Away

Running competitions on your social media pages may be a fantastic way to grow your audience. Ask people to follow you or like or comment on one among your photos and in return, they’re going to be in with an opportunity of winning a prize.

As well as increasing followers, this is often an excellent way of extending your reach because whenever someone likes or comments on your posts, their followers will see your content.

11. Tag other people and pages

Tag other pages, users, and locations in your posts. This increases the likelihood of people seeing you, page owners engaging with you and it’s also an excellent way to gain followers if you’re attending an event.

12. Engage

The best way to gain the support of your audience is to interact with them. And by engaging, we mean engaging on a personal level. You are learning how to increase your social media presence. That presence going to be reflected when someone follows your page because they expect your brand to interact with them.

For this, whenever someone posts about your brand, or comments on one among your posts, attempt to answer them.

Set up polls, quizzes, or contests that encourage your audience to participate. Instagram Stories are an excellent medium to interact with your followers.

13. Optimize your content

Everything that you post on your social media accounts is often seen by search engines. This means that it can get listed on Google and other search engines.

So, it’s an excellent practice to include some relevant keywords in your posts whenever possible. This can help your posts get visibility for the proper keywords on Google.

14. Select the best channels to be on

Research and understand the best platforms for your business to spend time on.

  • Facebook sends more website referral traffic than anybody and is geared towards both news and entertainment.
  • Twitter views itself as a news platform and as a social network and is well- suited to brands sharing blog posts or promoting website content.
  • Instagram is very visual and isn’t optimal for driving blog or website traffic. It’s best fitted to strong visual brands.
  • LinkedIn is a professional network used heavily for sharing industry articles and professional content.

See what networks your competitors are on and where they’re doing well and use that as an indicator you’ve got a possible audience there on the network.

15. Be sincere and graceful

Especially when you encounter negative comments or feedback. The best way to affect negative commentary is to be empathetic.

For the long-term health of your social media presence, do not be negative in your responses.

16. Post regularly

Posting regularly on social media may be a great practice. This can help grab the eye of your followers and target consumers.

However, the frequency of posting content is equally important. Post too rarely and your audience might start losing interest thinking that your profile isn’t active enough. Post too often and that they might desire you’re spamming them.

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In an attempt to find out the way to increase your social media presence, it’s imperative to find the right balance and then posts consistently. This can make sure that your audience gets information at regular intervals and may increase your social media presence.

17. Use analytics

Regularly visit your social media insights to seek out what is and isn’t working for you.

You can see the posts which have received the very best engagement levels and will therefore know to share this sort of content more often.

18. Paid promotions

If you’ve tried all of the various ways to undertake to realize social media presence organically, you’ll advance to paid promotions.

Nearly every social media platform has the choice to run advertisements. Using these advertisements, you’ll reach a highly targeted audience on social networks.

You can target people based on location, demographics, and interests. Based on your target audience, you’ll then enter the details while creating your paid promotion. This can assist you in effectively targeting the proper people and obtaining higher engagement and conversions.

There’s a lot you can do with paid promotions. You could run promotions to extend your page likes, boost engagements, get link clicks, or maybe drive sales. Paid ads can assist you to harness the true power of social media and growing your social media presence.

19. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a rising star within the digital marketing world. In influencer marketing, brands collaborate with influencers on social media to achieve a selected objective. It may be to extend sales, leads, or maybe their social media presence. Influencers are people that have a loyal and enormous fan-following on social media. These influencers can share your products with their audiences and thus get your brand eyeballs and sales.

20. Conduct a Q&A

Sometimes the easiest way to improve your brands social media presence is to do a simple Q&A with your followers. Social platforms like Instagram have implemented features like stories to help brands achieve this marketing tactic.

The premise is simple and the return for gaining social media followers and mentions is tremendous. Not only will you increase your

engagement, but your customers will feel closer to your brand by having their biggest questions answered.


Growing your social media presence could seem sort of a robust task initially. However, if you follow the following tips with dedication, it’s a task you’ll be able to conquer. It’s necessary to have interaction together with your audience usually and watch out for their pain points. To boost your post, you should encourage them to share your content and even produce content that’s price sharing.

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You can’t afford to possess a set-it-and-forget-it approach to social media if you wish to grow socially, you should be proactive and be available up with new methods and campaigns to grow your social media presence. It’s conjointly a decent plan to collaborate with influencers to extend your reach.

Just detain mind that growth on social media takes loads of your time, dedication, and effort. Utilizing these will assist you to manage and track the results of your social media presence and efforts if you learn digital marketing skill you can do even better.

Difference Between SEO And SEM In (2022)


As a company owner, you may already know you need a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy to attract new clients and customers online. Since search engines are one of the most popular ways customers find new content, products, and brands, you want to make sure you are doing what you can to properly market your content for search engines. though, if you really want to market successfully, you need to take your strategy behind just Search engine marketing.

If you want to boost your online existence and get results for your business, the authority digital marketing strategies can help. One crucial thing to understand when building your digital marketing strategy, anyhow, is the difference between Search engine optimization and Search engine marketing. These two terms are often used synonymously.

Search engine optimization and Search engine marketing are two terms that are often confused by beginner marketers, and while they may have some overlay, they are not the same.

(SEO)Search engine optimization refers to boosting your site in organic search results. It will consist of optimizing your site so that it will rank higher on Google search engine results page.

(SEM)Search engine marketing refers to paid search advertising. This mostly involves using (PPC)pay-per-click ads in which you pay directly for your ad copy to be shown online and to get more website visitors. Google Ads is one of the most suitable online advertising platforms. Among both types of marketing, it’s essential to optimize and tease your strategy as time goes on. You will also need to perform keyword research and optimize copy to ensure your website ads are targeting the right people.

The term Search Engine Marketing is often replaceable with Search engine optimization. Unfortunately, this is not entirely accurate. Although Search engine optimization is an important part of Search engine marketing, marketing on search engines involves additional strategies. If you are confusing the two terms, you may be missing out on major opportunities to grow your business and attract new customers.

How Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing Works.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a strategy for optimizing website pages to show to search engines. A fortunate Search engine optimization strategy helps your content shown at the top of search results on sites like Google and will include many different factors that need to work together accordingly. The particular include keyword research and placement, image optimization, and enough more.

Search engine optimization is in the control of the website owner. as the way you framework and format the content on your website plays a major role, company owners can often improve their rankings with a few simple twists. However, there are also some off-page elements that contribute to Search engine optimization, such as company reviews, online listings, and backlinks.

Search engine optimization is important to your business because many buyers find the companies they purchase from through search engines. they have a problem they need to solve, they will bounce online to find potential solutions. All right to reach that audience, they need your content to be shown within the first few results. Very several people will click on to view additional pages, such that you want your listing to appear as high as possible. This can be achieved through Search engine optimization.

Search engine optimization is usually considered an organic way to bring attention to your website. as audience members find you through their own searching and finding, you are not paying to get their attention. rather, they are coming to your website right when they are ready to make a purchase.

Types of SEO: It’s important to realize that there are different types. The fundamental types include on-page SEO and off-page SEO.

On-Page SEO– Any activity you take to optimize elements on your own website. This could include recovering content, page speed, meta tags site functionality, and internal link building.

Off-Page SEO– Any actions you take to improve Search engine optimization factors outside of your own website. This includes getting backlinks and local citations from external websites. It also includes building social proof and boosting social signals.

Search engine techniques are not static and change often as Google continues to roll out new updates on a regular basis. This means that if you are interested in developing your site’s Search engine optimization, you will need to stay aware of the changes and adjust your strategy as needed.

Search engine optimization is a great digital marketing strategy for a business because it allows traffic to come to your site in a natural way. A well-optimized page may continue getting traffic for a long time to come once it starts ranking, without any extra effort on the part of the website owner. This means that Search engine optimization can potentially be very cost-effective and can be a good strategy for getting more traffic in the long term.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM): That is a superordinate term used for various online strategies that enable you to promote your business through search engines. Search engine optimization plays a key role in symbolic SEM strategies, in the process of doing Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. Indeed, a few people use the term SEM only to refer to paid forms of advertisement, such as PPC.

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There are many various paid ad platforms, and although Google Ads is the most popular choice for advertisers, Bing and Yahoo also have advertising platforms as well. Each of these can be used to great effect when marketing a business network, and if done right, can lead to more acquisition and conversions.

Using Search engine marketing will firstly consist of optimizing ad campaigns. Some of the main actions will include ad campaigns, accomplishing targeting features, optimizing ad copy, and choosing which keywords to use to reach a precise type of buyer or website visitor.

Although Search engine optimization will work in a natural way to get free search organic results, Search engine marketing and pay-per-click advertising will require advertisers to continue paying in order to keep ads running. The assistance, anyhow, is that Pay per click ads launch instantly. They can also be very cost-effective, especially if twisted to perfection over time.

Considering Search engine marketing nearly always involves paying for the attention you’re getting, it is not viewed as an organic growth strategy. dissimilar Search engine optimization, you are spending money to have your content shown higher in search engine results. grant for SEM enables you to be much more actual about where you are shown and who sees your content. Along with Search engine optimization, you are trying to guess what the search engine algorithm is looking for when it prescribes content to users. By leveraging SEM, you are allowed to bypass the algorithm and appear at the top of results lists relevant to keywords that you select.

One more benefit of Search engine marketing is that it can work much more quickly than Search engine optimization. It often takes a while, as well as some steam and glitch, ahead you see results with Search engine optimization. Along with Search engine marketing, you can start attracting new leads almost right away.

The Making Choice Between SEO and SEM

So currently that you simply understand the fundamentals of Search engine optimization and Search engine marketing, you will be speculative that one is that the best. Unfortunately, the solution isn’t a straightforward one. each SEO and SEM have their benefits and downsides, and also the one you utilize are obsessed with your goals

If you wish to create abiding, natural traffic that doesn’t need constant restitution, Search engine optimization is often a good selection. Search engine optimization could be a long-run strategy, and once you are taking action to enhance it, the results can continue coming back for a protracted time to come back. On the negative facet, it takes time to urge the ball rolling with Search engine optimization, and it should take vital effort before you see results.

Search engine marketing, on the opposite hand, could be a nice possibility if you would like to induce results right away. If you’ve got a time-specific supply to push, then paid ads are useful. I tweaked to an accomplishment, paid advertising will get your business some nice results and might supply a good Return on investment.

However, in contrast to Search engine optimization, you’ll solely get the results you obtain. If you stop paying, the results can straightaway stop coming back. While you’ll have to deem your specific goals once deciding whether or not Search engine optimization or Search engine marketing is correct for you, the higher than could be a sensible general summary. If unsure, it’s usually better to specialize in Search engine optimization, since the results are semi-permanent.

However, nice businesses usually use each of those alone for various functions.

For practically any company, Search engine optimization and Search engine marketing should both be included in your digital marketing strategy. Each upgrade increases your chances of getting noticed by search engine users and can bring in new business and attract long-term customers. Aside from that, you can use the two in consolidation to attract as many leads as possible.

When organizing your plan, you want to account for the amount of time Search engine optimization will take to bring results. It can be weeks or even months before you start to see your rankings improve, so you will want to consider what Search engine marketing strategies you can achieve while you wait. This ensures you won’t go undiscovered while waiting for your Search engine optimization to get off.

Pay-Per-Click advertising can be used to pick up the feeble. Certainly, implementing it appropriately is important to ensure you’re getting strong returns on your investment. The most popular PPC advertising platform is Google AdWords, which enables you to bid on keywords you would like to rank highly for. At all-time a user clicks on your Google AdWords listing, you pay a small fee. This works well, hence you don’t need to worry about wasting money on ads that are going undiscovered.

To apply an effective Pay per click strategy, use it to target your top keywords. This will help you get actual attention from the searches that matter most to your business and brand. Next, although your Search engine optimization strategies begin to show results, you can decide whether or not your Pay per click campaigns are still worth running.

If they are not bringing in enough leads to warrant the cost, you can shift focus to maintain your Search engine optimization strategy rather. But, this suggests that area units are progressing to use either one amongst the methods. In reality, creating a mix of each is way additional helpful as you’ll use insights from your SEM campaigns to boost your SEO performance. you’ll remarket your campaigns by guaranteeing that keywords and alternative SEO practices are units followed. And thus, by combining each of the efforts you’ll come through the most effective and rank higher on the Search engine result page.

You may also want to see Pay per click if you are targeting keywords that are particularly popular. While you may need to pay money for these campaigns, they can be worth it if you’re struggling to see real results from your Search engine optimization. However, you will want to pay close attention to your Return on investment, to ensure your Pay per click investment is worth it.


Both Search engine optimization and Search engine marketing are especially important for attracting customers and clients online. If you are not considering how to use both strategies effectively and in combination, you could be missing out on some high-quality leads.

If you would like to upgrade your business online and have an excellent digital strategy, it’s necessary that you just contemplate the variations between Search engine optimization and Search engine marketing. Selecting the correct one to specialize in, or victimising them each along, can assist you to bring your business success once attempting to induce customers and purchasers online.

If you are passionate about your career and want to learn digital marketing, then Learn Digital Academy is the right place. We offer the best digital marketing course in Bangalore, which can help you to become a professional digital marketing expert.

Google Ranking Factor for SEO in [2022]


Google usually uses 200 plus ranking factors to rank content on top of SERP so that the user gets the most relevant and good results for the queries that he is looking to

Well ranking your content is not so difficult as it looks well organized and good content can rank better in SERP so here are the top 11 ranking factors that google usually consider while ranking your content on top of SERP


A user always looks for fast and easy to understand content for the queries that he is looking for so your content matters the most and google wants to show the most relevant and good content which acts as a solution for the queries that user is looking

Taking an example if a user is looking for the best smartphones to buy your you will get several listing blogs your content must be in such a format which should attract the user to buy the product when they read that particular blog your content must be simple and have all the details of the mobiles

E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) and Information Accuracy

Google ranks the content which is having rich factual information and is true your content must be such that it gives solution for the user queries that he is looking for your content must be aligned in such form that it is readable and clear and has rich information

#2. Backlinks for the website Google takes into consideration that how many strong quality backlinks that website is having digital marketing SEO executives usually try to get good quality backlinks to the websites more the quality backlinks more the chances of ranking your website on top of SERPs and ranking for the top keywords if you see most of the top websites are having good quality backlinks that help them to rank better so you must work on SEO of the websites and get quality backlinks to your website.

#3. Freshness

The freshness of the content is also considered as the factor by google to rank your content on some queries on SERP. a user always look for the fresh and updated content

Taking an example if you search for queries like news on the stock market you will get very fresh and updated news about the stock prices

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People are always looking for current news that is going on right now and are not interested in the old and outdated news or content

Taking another example if we search for new smartphones you will get the content relating to the new mobiles that are released this year and people will not be interested in any old models which were released in 2019 or 2018 as technology are going faster people will also go for updated news and not dwell backward

So you must always update your content according to time

#4. Search intent

Search intent is of four types

  • Informational
  • Preferential/Commercial Investigation
  • Transactional
  • Navigational


As you may have guessed, searches with informational intent come from users looking for information! This could be in the form of a how-to guide, a recipe, or a definition. It’s one of the most common search intents, as users can look for answers to an infinite number of questions. That said, not all informational terms are questions. Users searching for simply “Bill Gates” are most likely looking for information about Bill Gates.

Preferential/Commercial Investigation

Before they’re ready to make a purchase, users start their commercial investigation. This is when they use search to investigate products, brands, or services further. They’re past the informational stage of their research and have narrowed their focus to a few different options. Users here are often comparing products and brands to find the best solution for them.


Transactional searchers are looking to make a purchase. This could be a product, service, or subscription. Either way, they have a good idea of what they’re looking for. Since the user is already in buying mode, these terms are usually branded. Users are no longer researching the product, they’re looking for a place to purchase it.


These searchers are looking to navigate to a specific website, and it’s often easier to run a quick search in Google than to type out the URL. The user could also be unsure of the exact URL or looking for a specific page, e.g. a login page. As such, these searches tend to be brand or website names and can include additional specifications to help users find an exact page.

#5.Authority of the website

This ranking factor goes way beyond backlinks of the websites google says that the websites which focus on one topic have a higher authority over the website well if you look for the websites that are focused on one particular topic area will have more number internal links which direct us to similar topics of their sites

Taking an example if I search how to bake a cake I will get several websites that are mainly focused on this topic areas pop up on top of SERP than other websites

Internal links will not only increase the authority of your website but also help google to know better about your site and on which area you are focused is on.

#6. Content depth

Depth is about talking about the topic that searcher wants and expects to see

For example, if we search for the best watches we can know that we have to create a listing blog and talk about a common topic that all the blogs are focusing on if you look at these blogs you will see similar topics that they are talking about

This is not that you are copying or limiting your creativity but it’s that what the searcher wants to see well google job is to give the most relevant results for the queries that the searcher is looking for its most of what the user wants to see

Related Article: Importance of AMP in SEO

To build the relevant content you can look at the people asked for and related searches to build the content around it and try to rank top in SERP

#7. Page speed

Page speed is known ranking factor since 2010 every business websites try to improve its page speed within a fraction of a second but this doesn’t affect much as google says it affects only some part of search queries but coming to the bottom line you must work on your page speed so that people don’t bounce from your site you must improve your site speed and work on loading your page quickly

Most important is that if a searcher does not wait to look at the content he will not buy anything or read your content long time

#8. Using HTTPS protocols

Google in 2014 announced HTTPS as a very lightweight signal affecting fewer than one percent of global queries this doesn’t affect much for ranking factor but if you are still using insecure HTTP protocol then you must change immediately

Every people nowadays look for secure websites and are very particular about it and now google also gives the warning about the site is un-secure so using HTTPS protocol will help you gain trust in your website and reduce the bounce rate

#9.User experience Google wants to rank content that gives a positive experience to users google believe that if visitors are getting positive results they will use it regularly so you must work on retaining the visitors for a long time engaging them on your website to create content on such a basis that it’s easy to read and rich information in your content and go easy on the ads and pop-ups so that it’s not disturbing the user and increase the bounce basically create the content that user wants and build the content that resolves the visitor’s queries.

In the event you have duplicate content on pages, a canonical tag (also known as rel=canonical) will tell Google which page you want to show up in search results. A canonical tag is also helpful because it influences other SEO ranking factors, like syndicated content.

#10. Rankbrains

The important Google ranking signal is RankBrain, which aims to provide the most relevant and useful results by better understanding the user intent behind a search query. RankBrain uses machine learning to understand complex searches and their relatedness to particular topics while taking into account how the user behaves towards the exact set of search results. So, search results that have more success with users get rewarded with higher rankings.

#11. Core web vitals

Google Core Web Vitals are the latest user-centered ranking factors introduced by Google in 2020. They’re launched to help search robots assess pages to experience more accurately and improve search usability.

These metrics go beyond loading speed and page responsiveness and dig deep into

user experience trying to improve how fast the page loads and how soon can users interact with it.

Although there are still lots of unanswered questions around Core Web Vitals, one thing is for sure: User-experience is the future of SEO.

Conclusion Well ranking your content is not so difficult it’s proving to Google that your content is best for a particular query keeping all the ranking factors above we can say that we must build the content what the user wants to see and follow the guidelines to rank your content in top in SERP if you want to learn how to rank your content in-depth check out our digital marketing course from Learn Digital Academy.

Benefits of Graphic Designing in 2022

Benefits of Graphic Designing in 2022

Graphic coming up with is that the best career chance for the young generation as a result of it’s the necessity of each company. In gift also as in future, the demand of graphic designer is magnified. There are several advantages of graphics coming up with for career. During this field several job opportunities. It’s a quick-growing business.

There are prime ten massive advantages of getting a graphic coming up with career in 2022

  1. Higher career chance: Graphic coming up with could be a best career chance for today’s generation. It’s a quick growing business. For fresher’s it’s best chance you’ll grow often during this field as compare to alternative field.
  • It’s straightforward and straightforward to find out: Graphic coming up with could be a short term course. We are able to simply learn. Any graduate will create the most effective career during this field. Conjointly that students will do graphic coming up with course World Health Organization are following graduation.
  • Growth and power: Graphic coming up with is that the art and power of graphic designer. During this field we are able to grow our career oft. A graphic designer convey and categorical the thought to the folks for marketing product or services. Graphic Designer play a crucial half in each company.
  • Flexibility: Graphic coming up with is an internet work. We are able to work anyplace. As a result of we tend to don’t want any explicit place for doing graphic coming up with work. Our work is on-line thus our work can show 24*7 within the world.
  • Career familiarised: Graphic coming up with could be a career familiarised. As a result of in graphic coming up with there are several career opportunities for graphic designer. A graphic designer will work as a freelancer also as will do the duty during an acknowledged company.
  • Earn a lot of: During this field you’ll earn way more you can’t expect. As a result of graphic coming up with plenty of comes and nobody will out from job. As a result of you’ll earn as a freelancer reception way more. The demand of graphic designer is extremely high in massive firms.
  • Create Your Career: If you’re thinking for creating a career during this field. So, you’re right as a result of graphic designer want in each company. It’s the necessity for growing and marketing the merchandise or services.

8 Graphic coming up with Opportunities: There are several job opportunities in the graphic coming up with field such as you will create emblem designer, mobile designer, computer code designer, etc.

  • Become knowledgeable: Graphic coming up with could be a profession. You’ll do job as knowledgeable and conjointly you’ll work reception as a freelancer. In India there are several comes of graphic coming up with. In gift also as in future the demand of graphic designer is increasing.
  • Liberty of Imagination and power: A graphic designer has full freedom of creativity. As a result of first of all a graphic designer cares the merchandise so he creates the brand in line with the merchandise? He creates the brand like folks can attract and obtain the merchandise.
  1. Conclusion: A graphic Designer demand in gift also as in future are magnified. As a result of India is dynamical. In future the full work are done on-line. So, each company can want for making the logos of graphic designer. So, it’s a best career chance for today’s generation.

Advantages of getting a Digital promoting Career

Digital promoting refers to the promotion. It suggests that we tend to promote a business, Brand, Product, etc., online. Digital promoting is additionally done by exploiting completely different digital sites. We tend to communicate with customers by exploiting data communication channels. The most purpose of digital promotion is to succeed in the massive audience.

Graphic coming up with Job Opportunities In 2022

The graphic coming up with is that the communication. It’s done by the graphic designer. Graphic Designers play a crucial role in promoting techniques. Owing to each company emblem is developed by a graphic designer. Through an emblem, business has developed the whole for an organization. It’s the fundamental want of each company.

Graphic coming up with is that the hottest ability for a business. As a result of graphic designers play an awfully vital role in a company. A graphic designer offers the visual message to the folks for marketing the merchandise or service of an organization. So, the graphic styled work on design of a brand

Top internet coming up with Job Opportunities 2022

A web designer could be one who is inventive and technically. He redesigns the websites in line with the aim of an internet site. The net designer has the power of constructing an internet site so as to market the product or service of a business.

A web designer once produces an internet site thus, first of all, he cares about the audience and purpose of an internet site. Internet coming up with is an internet resource. By exploiting this resource we are able to develop a sure-fire business.


Top Digital promoting Job Opportunities

Digital promoting could be a terribly massive term. It’s internet promotion. We tend to promote the merchandise or whole through electronic media by exploiting completely different communication we tend to reach to the shoppers. For, digital promotion we tend to use several ways and techniques. It is the best class for promotions.

Digital promoting is that a nice ability for business promotion. Now, several business homeowners need to market their business online as a result of full India is obtaining digital and net users are increasing day by day. So, the demand for digital marketers is increasing.

You’ve perpetually been naturally inventive. You were the one stepping into bother in school for doodling illustrations on your science prep rather than taking note of the long-division drawback on the blackboard. As you bought older, it’s quite doubtless that you just excelled in art class—and not solely that, however, you furthermore might enjoy it!

If you’re considering turning into a graphic designer, you’ve picked a wonderful career to ruminate. Graphic designers produce visual ideas to speak concepts that inspire and inform customers. They often use laptop computer code, however, several graphic designers are pretty handy within the drawing department also. These skills may be wont to create a good living—in 2016, the median wage for graphic designers was $47,640, in line with the Bureau of Labour Statistics.

But wage isn’t the sole factor that matters. There are many perks that go together with being a graphic designer—both job-related and lifestyle connected. Thus what’s future for you if you decide on this career path? Are the advantages of this job the sort of benefits you’re waiting for? Scan on to find out a lot regarding the bonuses that go together with being a graphic designer.

8 perks of being a graphic designer

  1. You’ll notice employment in any business

Nearly every company within the world must promote their whole. This suggests that they have an emblem, whole tips, and plenty of alternative vital visual materials to support it. This suggests there’s any chances to figure for shoppers across a good style of industries—one day you will be whipping up a promotional poster for a charity event; succeeding you’ll be functioning on an emblem for a tending company.

Adding to the current potential selection is that the Brobdingnag Ian marketplace for internet graphics. in spite of the business, an internet site and social media presence are essential for developing a brand—which suggests that many come for graphic designers.

  • You’ll add multiple environments

If you’re wanting to figure during a specific quiet work atmosphere, then the world’s your oyster once it comes to graphic style. You will end up as a part of a little, in-house team operating strictly for one shopper or during a fast agency atmosphere that works with multiple shoppers with their own distinct visual feel. Freelancing is additionally Associate in Nursing choice for designers, thus if you’d prefer to work from home, that’s an occasion also. Every of those work environments has their execs and cons, thus make sure to scan au courant the variations.

  • You’ll prefer to be freelance

Do you have the entrepreneurial itch? Several designers notice that they like to be their own boss and prefer to begin their own freelance business. Not solely will this mean you’ll work from home or your native cafe, but it conjointly suggests that you’ll set your own costs and hours?

Keep in mind, however, that with the liberty of self-employment comes the responsibility of all the executive work that comes with being your own boss: causing invoices, following up with shoppers, setting aside cash for taxes, and a lot of. It’d not be for everybody, however, several do notice this trade-off fully definitely worth the additional bodywork.

  • You’ve got several specialties to settle on from

Graphic styles will specialize in a definite form of the design if they’d like: typography, web design, illustration, user expertise style, app style, and a lot of. A specialization can cause you to Associate in Nursing in-demand team member or freelancer; but, if you’ve practiced during a style of these areas, you’ll even be in demand owing to your skilfulness.

  • You’ll ne’er get bored

When it involves graphic style, there are perpetually new technologies and trends to find out. Vogue and aesthetic modification thus quickly in Yankee culture, and technology shifts and evolves even as quickly. If you wish to remain relevant, it’s essential to stay up with the days and make certain you’re prepared for no matter what is up and coming back. Having a curious mind and a manipulable spirit can take you an extended method during this profession.

  • You’ll categorical yourself

Designers get to specific their power on an everyday basis—it’s the essence of the job! You’ve got many inventive concepts and ideas you’d prefer to experiment with, and this job permits you to provide them an opportunity. Whereas your clients’ wants can doubtless still keep a number of your a lot of extravagant inventive impulses under control, it’s still satisfying to form one thing visually appealing and distinctive to you.

  • You’ll produce things for yourself, friends and family while not having to source

Chances are sensible that, at some purpose, somebody in your circle of friends and family can want an emblem, tee-shirt style, website, or another style venture that you just might be ready to

psychoanalysis with. Through your style skills, you won’t get to rent somebody to form your wedding

invites or style your business logo—your skills cause you an intrinsic bonus for those around you.

Be careful to not let folks profit from you, however. There’s a time and place for favors, however, if somebody is repeatedly coming back to you for work you’ll create cash doing, make sure to line some boundaries.

  • You’ll got concrete proof of your skills

One unknotted, nevertheless appealing side of being a graphic designer is that the duty is totally a “show me” career. You’ll show your best add a portfolio to calm any issues a possible shopper could have regarding your skills. Having tangible proof of your skills is Associate in nursing asset— accountants can’t very showcase their ability to handle advanced law. Graphic designers have the power to prove their skills—which puts the ability in your hands. If you wish to indicate you’ve got a talent for typography, you’ll produce examples rather than making an attempt to list it as a bullet purpose on a resume.


Learn Digital Academy is a graphic designing institute based in Bangalore. We provide extensive graphic designing courses in Bangalore, which can be useful for any kind of business professional who might want to use our designs for their company’s website, logo, or even marketing collateral! From beginners who may need an introduction course all the way up to advanced level designers who wish to simply enhance their skill set, we’re here to get you on track with your design career! In addition, we provide assistance with job placement and help you acquire that first foot into the door at a work environment of your very own! Whether you’re looking for a position as an entry-level designer, or if this is more of a hobby and not necessarily something you would like to do for hours at a time every day – the goal here is that both novice and aspiring designers can learn from our direction so as to make them better adapted towards their work as a whole!

Best of Digital Marketing Blog

Best of Digital Marketing h1

The B2B selling world could be a terribly competitive house. Marketers got to be at the highest of their game to remain competitive during this trade. Also, for marketers, there’s without stopping to the training curve as all valuable info is out there on-line and shared by alternative marketers and thought leaders of the trade.

To all proactive marketers (both beginners and veterans) UN agency area unit perpetually able to learn from alternative fellow marketers, here could be a list of digital selling blogs to seem out for in.

This list doesn’t solely contain all well-liked blogs that you simply would realize anyplace else. we tend to area unit mistreatment this chance to introduce some blogs you haven’t detected of before. this can be associate degree nonhierarchical list. Blogs within the list haven’t been hierarchal in any explicit order.

1.  Neil Patel

Neil Patel is one amongst the largest names within the selling trade He has received recognition from former USA President Barack Obama united of the highest a hundred entrepreneurs below thirty, and may boast of huge shoppers like Google, Amazon, and eBay. His diary is that the simplest way of keeping track of his multiple ventures and digital selling ways and also the state of the art in selling.

The diary consists of varied selling articles together with content in video or podcast type. A notable feature of Neil Patel’s diary is its web site analyzing tool. Users might merely sort in their own websites, and it are often mechanically analyzed for improvement.

Founder: Neil Patel

Best for: all-around selling data from the easiest within the business.

2.  Moz

Moz is one amongst the foremost well-known names within the selling and SEO trade. it absolutely was supported in 2004 by Rand Fishkin and Gillian Muessig. they’re wide best-known for being one amongst the primary corporations to form SEO tools. In 2013, they rebranded from SEOMoz to merely Moz, and commenced to specialize in all areas of digital selling. However, their priority remains on program and inward selling.

Also read: Top 10 Indian Bloggers Making Massive Money

Their diary provides all of the most recent info on SEO, together with algorithmic program updates on Google. they need wonderful guides on native SEO, link building, content selling, and far additional. Their main merchandise area unit Moz professional and Moz native. Their professional providing provides keyword analysis, link building, SEO audits, and everything an internet site would want for SEO. Their native providing is targeted on optimizing native listings.

Founders: Rand Fishkin and Gillian Muessig. Best for: SEO and inward selling data

3.    WSI Blog

If you’re in search of extremely unjust insights that may assist you bring profitable results for your digital selling campaign, look no any than WSI’s diary. The world’s largest digital selling agency

network, WSI’s diary possesses in depth and intensely relevant guides that tackle subjects like social media selling, email selling, program improvement, content selling, lead generation, client expertise, and so on. Their writers typically publish sensible tips and techniques you’ll use in your own digital selling campaigns to spice up your brand’s growth.

Must read: Best Digital Marketing Blog

WSI’s diary conjointly focuses on explaining the “so what?” for your business and covers topics like best email platforms and the way voice search can modification the digital selling landscape.

Therefore, if you would like to enrich your vision in digital selling, particularly in knowing the most recent trends on client expertise moreover as alternative digital selling aspects, WSI’s diary is a perfect alternative for you.

Best for: Best practices on client expertise, content selling, lead generation, SEO and email selling.

4.  The Colibri Digital selling diary

As a digital selling skilled, if you’re trying to form a major boost in sales, improve your whole visibility

on-line and develop higher client engagement, the Colibri Digital selling diary possesses you lined.

The diary has been just about consistent in cathartic top-notch contents that assist you level aucourant digital selling. the most effective half is that their contents perpetually stay “fresh” with

continuous updates on the most recent events within the digital world in spite of wherever you’re at from a selling point of view. additionally to the most effective practices of digital selling, the diary conjointly covers alternative important areas like SEO, copywriting, social media, email selling, stigmatisation and far additional. You’ll conjointly realize distinctive success stories that might cause you to galvanized in real world. And besides, their guest blogs are perceptive. Therefore, the diary is your ideal place to urge latest tips, tricks and best practices altogether aspects associated with digital selling

Founder: Pakistani monetary unit Colibri

Best for: inspiring success stories, digital selling best practices, solopreneurship, talent building and then on.. The diary is additionally polyglot and also the posts are often found in each English and Spanish version.

5.  VWO

VWO was supported in 2010 by Paras Chopra. Their offerings area unit for mid-market and enterprise corporations and in and of itself veteran marketers will realize the foremost take pleasure in the diary.

The founder, Paras Chopra, could be a revered thought leader within the SaaS trade and his genius are often accessed from his personal diary InvertedPassion. VWO offers tools for A/B testing, product and web site analytics, web site personalisation, etc. and have provided their services to notable names like filmmaker, Target, and eBay.

Reading Suggestion: Best of Digital Marketing Blog

VWO’s diary offers nice insights for mature CRO corporations moreover as beginners. These articles contain lots of applied math knowledge on the most recent trends, comparison of ways for A/B testing, moreover as some upward quality topics. VWO could be a data-driven company which is mirrored in its content. They gift nice trade insights and stats, and their web site has elaborate content on everything associated with conversion rate improvement.

Founder: Paras Chopra

Best for: CRO and A/B testing insights

6.  Agorapulse

Agorapulse is one in all the foremost capable blogs for anyone trying to travel thorough of social media promoting. It continues to supply extremely strategic insights – together with however you’ll build the simplest use of social media to attach with customers, generate awareness, and increase sales. You’ll study social insight driven promoting, competitive social intelligence tips, and soup to crackers social media campaign direction for firms. during a shell,

Agorapulse journal virtually has everything you’d ever wish to understand regarding building and fascinating a community on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with countless attention towards sensible recommendation. to remain updated regarding the newest promoting developments from insiders and specialists on social media, keeping an eye fixed on this journal may be a should.

Founder: Emeric Ernoult

Best for: Social Media promoting best practices, trends, and news

7.  Social Media somebody h2

Social Media somebody was created in 2009 by Jason Falls. the corporate was fashioned “to combat the noise inherent within the promoting industry”.

Their journal greets you with an oversized show of their latest articles, with black headers that correspond to their classes. These classes may be found on the sidebar, and it ranges from tips & tricks, satire, and even cartoons. Their content consists of the newest general promoting articles and doesn’t have a awfully thematic approach. This grants users a lot of flexibility in selecting what materials to consume.

Founder: Jason Falls

Best for: Staying updated on the newest promoting news

8.  Social contemporary h2

Created by Jason Keath back in 2008, Social contemporary may be a amazingly conscious promoting agency. They acknowledge the chaos that came with the web, and it permits them to possess a higher grip on their ways.

Their journal posts area unit updated on a reasonably regular basis, with a major specialise in social media and the way to navigate it. Their articles tackle current world problems, and that they offer tips about the way to alter promoting ways consequently.

Founder: Jason Keath

Best for: Keeping up-to-date on the newest promoting news for navigating social media

9.  AdVisible h2

AdVisible is a lot of of a conventional resource than a community, full of helpful contents on everything promoting, also as solid academic resources. AdVisible forever covers the present digital promoting trends, insights and predictions along side providing plenty of effective ideas on the way to improve promoting for your whole.

Considering the present pandemic, they need variety of helpful resources on however you’ll get yourself ready to adapt your digital promoting strategy throughout covid-19. the simplest half is that they forever attempt to offer the simplest price by keeping their contents short and apothegmatic that makes it easier for the marketers to realize one thing new among a awfully short time. Therefore, if you’re running any digital promoting campaign for your purchasers or your own business, their journal has everything you would like to achieve success and maximize your ROI.

Director: Apostle Hou

Best for: SEO, paid advertising, social media, business connected news and trends

If you are looking for digital marketing course in Bangalore, India, Learn Digital Academy is one of the best digital marketing institute in Bangalore.

10 Tips to Grow Your Business Using Social Media

10 Tips to Grow Your Business Using Social Media.

Why Should You Use Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is the new frontier for all retailers and marketers to win their target audiences.

Social media has become immensely important for any business be it a small business or a large enterprise. Everybody wants to acquire new customers & leads using social media platforms.

Social media plays a vital role in bringing revenue for a small business. However, due to lack of knowledge, a lot of small businesses fail to properly utilize social channels. Hence, if you are serious to promote your small business on social media.

Here are some of the Tips why you should use social media marketing for your business:

1. Start with a plan

It’s easy to get started using social media for business purposes. We all use social media in our day-to-day lives, so there’s a level of comfort with the tools.

It doesn’t cost anything to create a Facebook Page for your business, or start posting on Instagram, or create a presence on Twitter.

But before you leap in feet first, remember: every good business strategy starts with a good plan. Yes, you can use social tools for free. But the time and effort involved still represent an investment in your business.

Without a plan, you have no clear goal for what you’re trying to achieve. That means there’s no way to know if you’re getting a return on that investment.

Take the time to create a social media plan upfront. This ensures all your social efforts support specific business goals.

Here are some strategic social media tips from our guide to creating a social media marketing plan

Set social media goals and objectives

Create goals that follow the SMART framework. They should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.

Base your goals on metrics that will have a real impact on your business. For example, you could aim to acquire customers or raise your conversion rate, rather than simply racking up likes.

Research the competition

How are your competitors using social media? While you don’t want to copy them, learning from what others have done is a great way to reduce your learning curve.

Competitive analysis can help you learn what’s working and what’s not for other businesses like yours.

Conduct a social media audit

If you’re already using social media, now’s the time to take a step back and evaluate your existing efforts.

We’ve got an easy-to-use social media audit template to walk you through the process.

Get inspired

You’ve looked at what your competitors are doing online, but what about other businesses? Take inspiration from the success of businesses in all industries.

Where can you find these success stories? Head to the business section of most social networks’ websites and you’ll find useful case studies.

This blog can also be a great source of inspiration, since we always include lots of examples. And just pay attention to what your favourites brands are doing. What makes you want to click or follow or buy?

Create a social media calendar

A social media calendar helps you post the right content to the right social channels at the right time. It should include a plan for your content mix.

Try starting with the 80-20 rule. Use 80% of your content to inform, educate, or entertain your audience. Use the other 20% to promote your brand or sell your products.

2. Choose the Right Social Media Platform

Social media has exploded since Facebook went public back in 2012, and there are thousands of networks out there dedicated to anything from connecting old classmates to social activism and everything else under the sun.

So, with all these options out there, how does a business hone in on the right ones? The advice from most experts is to join four of the most popular, and choosing the right ones comes down to your audience (and where they are) and your goals. Here’s some information to help guide you:

  •  Facebook: the largest platform, has 2 billion-plus active monthly users, and the site is ideal for businesses that want to generate leads and build relationships
  • LinkedIn: the platform for business networking can be used by both B2B and B2C businesses to create trust, build authority, and engage audiences
  • Twitter: whose platform is immediacy, is perfect for businesses whose major audience is under 50 and who need to stay apprised of time-sensitive information like breaking news, announcements, and trending topics
  • Pinterest: the photo sharing site, is a fantastic platform for businesses with visual appeal (think restaurants, fashion, art, travel, and weddings), and it’s great for driving sales because so many users look to the site to plan purchases
  • Snapchat: the expiring content platform, is one of the fastest growing social networking sites, and businesses can leverage it by offering promotions, providing personalized content, giving exclusive access, and building relationships with influencers in order to drive brand recognition and loyalty

3. Come up with a strategy

Having a goal for improving your social media presence is great, but it’s only the beginning. Once you know what you want to achieve, you have to come up with a plan to help you get there.

Start by designating the person or people who will be part of the social media team, and break up their roles and responsibilities clearly so everybody knows what’s expected and when.

You should also decide on your posting frequency, and create a content calendar that will help you plan posts and make sure you don’t miss days. The content calendar is a big part of your strategy because it should lay out:

  • Who your audience is
  • What topics and subjects your audience is interested in
  • The usable content you already have
  • What kind of content you still need to create or curate
  • When and on what platforms content will be published

4. Build relationships

Social media allows you to connect and interact with customers and followers in a way that is popular more than ever. You can foster a relationship by liking, engaging, commenting or simply responding that can lead to future sales. Building a relationship with customers can establish trust, brand loyalty and community all before customers make their first purchase.

5. Build Your Brand on Social Media

Even though your ultimate goal in using social media for business is to generate more sales, your strategy doesn’t always have to be so direct. A strong brand will create sales all on its own.

Seriously, how many people buy Nike shoes just based on their branding?

Use social media as a way to build your own. That means increasing your brand awareness, building trust, and establishing authority through your content, your presentation, and how you interact with followers.

Because the more people that know about your business and see it in a positive light, the easier it will be to entice those people to buy from you.

6. Keep Your Branding Consistent

Different social media services call for different content, meaning you’re not going to post the exact same material to your Twitter feed that you do to your Facebook page. But you still need to keep your branding consistent across platforms.

The visual features, like the design, colours, and images you use, should be the same on Instagram as they are on Facebook.  You should also maintain the same messaging across your tweets, captions, and snaps.

Also read:  How to Skyrocket Your Business across Social Media

Keeping your branding consistent will go a long way to building the awareness, trust, and loyalty that I talked about above.

7. Create a Schedule and Post Content Regularly

One of the most common mistakes you’ll see with social media for small business is a lack of consistency in the posting schedule. This not only affects post visibility, but it can also make it hard to gain traction with search engines.

Maybe it’s the mind-set that once you’ve posted, the content is on the wall for the duration, and there’s no hurry to follow up. But that line of thinking is flawed, as most people aren’t checking your profile page with any regularity. Instead, followers see your content as they scroll through their personal Facebook feeds.

But content moves fast, and the window of opportunity you have to make a connection is limited — and even more so if you’re not posting consistently. This is especially true on Facebook, where engagement plays a part in determining what content appears in a user’s news feed.

Must read:  Social Media then and Now

Creating a social media editorial calendar not only helps you keep posts consistent and timely, but it also gives you a chance to develop an overarching and integrated content strategy. You can map out your posting schedule, fill in business-related promotions and events, and brainstorm for industry-adjacent content ideas that will provide value to your readers.

It’s a good idea to monitor your progress from idea to execution to determine how long each post will take. Remember, you’re not only coming up with topics, but you’re doing the research, writing and editing the content and finding corresponding images. Keep in mind that this entire process can take a great deal of time.

8. Set up a social media content calendar

Content calendars also help to distribute resources effectively, improve team collaboration and give a more in-depth understanding of what works and what doesn’t.

Sharing your posts randomly on social media without any proper planning can ruin your chances to grow your business. Therefore, you should create a social media calendar to plan your social media activities well in advance. Moreover, creating a content calendar helps you to set end goals for your social media efforts and help to analyse & measure your online success.

The best thing about these tools is that it enables you to put up images, set timings for your posts for multiple social media, and much more from a single dashboard.

Just create and update the publishing calendar once a week, build team sections, and distribute the file to co-workers to get their comments before posting.

9. Monitor and Improve Your Performance

 As you put your social strategy into action, it’s wise to monitor what’s working and what isn’t. You can then polish your social efforts and boost results. Analytics tools like Hootsuite Insights and Brand watch can offer you a true picture of how your social strategy is performing and can help you keep an eye on any metrics you want.

10. Actively Engage Your Audience in Relevant Ways

Although content is supremely important on social media, it’s not enough to just post your content and walk away. Social media is also about connection and engagement, and that’s the only way you can foster the relationships you want to build and gain the trust of your audience.

There are many ways you can engage with your audiences, and they include:

  • Commenting on posts
  • Starting and participating in conversations
  • Sharing relevant information
  • Sharing user-generated content
  • Posing and answering questions
  • Addressing complaints and criticisms
  • Showing appreciation for customers


You are doing a disservice to your business to underestimate the power of social media. It is wise for business to use a multitude of strategies to see what works for their brand. It is important to use multiple platforms to expand your reach and post regularly to create brand awareness and loyalty to accomplish marketing goals.

Make sure each post is aesthetically appealing to customers and follows along with the company’s brand and mission. Smaller businesses should take advantage of social media management tools to help organize and take their efforts to new levels.

If you want to learn Digital Marketing Course there are several digital marketing institutes in Bangalore, but Learn Digital Academy is one of the best because we offer high-quality digital marketing course in Bangalore and educational programs at a reasonable and affordable cost.

Best Digital Marketing Tools

Best Digital Marketing Tools.

Best Digital Marketing Tools trusted by the Expert in the field

You must-have digital marketing tools to grow your business. Without tools to get ranked on the Google Search Engine Result Page is a bit difficult.

Google Tools for Digital Marketing

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free Web analytics service that provides statistics and basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes.

Google Analytics is employed to trace website activity like session length, pages per session, bounce rate, etc.

This service is available for anyone with a Google account. Google launched the service in November 2005. Google Analytics is now the most widely used web analytics service on the internet.

2. Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio is one of the most effective and efficient reporting tools that allow you to convert your client’s analytics data into easy-to-understand and informational reports through data visualization.

You can easily customize, Access, and share the report through Google Data Studio to your clients as well as to your in-house team.

In simple words, Google Data Studio allows you to convert analytical and search console data into reports that can be easily accessed and deciphered by any human.

3. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free Google Service that provides insights into your website and information about the audience.

Its also known as Google Webmaster. Google Search Console is a nice way to optimize SEO.

Search Console checks the security issues if there any hacker or malware attacks also it counts internal and external pages which are linked to the website.

Similarly, It checks the crawl rate and views statistics when Google bot assesses a particular site.

Related Article: Best Digital Marketing Tools

It provides information on how Google crawls, indexes, and serves the websites. As a result, it helps the website owners to monitor and optimize the search results.

Digital Marketing Tools for Keyword Research & SEO

1.  Ahrefs

Ahrefs is one of the most powerful suites of Social media and SEO tools used by SEO experts.

Ahrefs dashboard is where you keep track of all your data. You can add a URL to keep a running snapshot of the health of a domain.

It will quickly show you any technical crawl errors, new links, new referring domains, and a


Ahrefs is a well-known toolset for backlinks and SEO analysis therefore it will keep you notified of new and lost backlinks, web mentions, and keyword rankings.

2.  Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is one of the best digital marketing tools for SEO. You can get keyword

ideas with this free keyword suggestion tool. When you search for a keyword it will show lots of suggestions. Similarly, you can get search volume, paid difficulty, SEO difficulty, PPC, monthly search, etc.

Originally founded as a tool that scraped Google Suggest terms, Ubersuggest was recently acquired by entrepreneur Neil Patel.

You also get key data in each keyword, including monthly search volume, average CPC, PPC competition, and SEO competition.

3.  SEMRush

SEMRush is the tool every digital marketing people need. It helps you out with keyword research, business, and online competition.

SEMRush discovers the globe’s leading digital marketing suite for online intelligence.

It provides the following services: SEO, Keyword Research, Social Media Marketing, Competitive Research, Content Marketing, etc.

SEMRush is an all-in-one tool suite for improving online visibility and discovering marketing insights. Also, it will help how much research are you able to do on your competitors.

4. SE Ranking

SE Ranking is a cloud-based platform for SEO and online marketing professionals that provide keyword research, backlinks monitoring, competitor research, website audit, keyword clustering.

SE Ranking includes five navigation tabs and all your websites. You can easily find out the average position, traffic forecast, traffic, and website visibility.

On the dashboard, You can check out the total number of keywords, indexed pages, PR, and top 5/10/30 ranking keywords in the search engine.

Creative and Designing tools

1. Canva

Canva is the best digital marketing tool for design. It is an online graphic design platform that lets you create professional-looking images for posters and infographics.

When people had to learn expensive heavy software like Adobe Photoshop to create a simple yet professional-looking image for posters, infographics, etc. Then Canva came into the picture.

It is free to use and is loaded with pre-design templates of image layouts, fonts and elements for just about anything you need for your visual presentations.

Also read: Best Digital Marketing Tools

It is easy to drag and drop interface and cloud accessibility makes it a real game-changer.

2. Powtoon

Powtoon was founded in January 2012, and in February 2013, Powtoon introduced a free account option which is allowing users to create an animation video that can be exported to YouTube.

Powtoon is a web-based animation tool that allows users to create presentations by manipulating pre-create objects, imported images, provide music to created


It uses an adobe flex engine to generate an XML file that can be played in the Powtoon online viewer, export to YouTube, or downloaded as an MP4 file.

Social Media Marketing Tools

1. Buffer

Buffer started as a scheduling tool for Twitter but at present, it allows all the important social media platform, for example, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Googl+

Buffer is one of the popular and best digital marketing tools for social media marketing that allows marketers to schedule posts across a variety of social media platforms.

Reading Suggestion: Must Have Digital Marketing Tools

Buffers have a basic set of analytics tools that allow marketers to measure reach and engagement metrics across the channel.

2. MeetEdgar

MeetEdgar is a social media scheduling tool that allows marketers to reschedule old posts on various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

With MeetEdger, You have to organize your posts by category and schedule content. So that, It will go through your queue and updates content from each category.

A social media management tool that handles both scheduling your content and optimizing your social media traffic.

3. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is one of the most popular social media management tools in the market and you can sign up free of cost.

Hootsuite handles more than one social media accounts. As a result, Bring multiple accounts under one login into a single dashboard.

It allows you across team members for collaborations and an approval process. On the other hand, the main benefit is you can see all the comments and mentions in one place.

4. Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo is a well-known research tool that helps you out how your content is performing and who is spreading the word.

If you want to become successful and overtake your competitors then you need to understand the strategy and exactly what they are doing. Similarly, what you are doing is working or not.

Buzzsumo is one of the most powerful research tools on the market. So, you can use it to find the content that is most shared on the social media platform.

Buzzsumo is one of the most powerful social media marketing tools in the market. Track competitors and do an analysis based on their content and strategies.

5. Mention

Mention is one of the best digital marketing tools for social media and web monitoring. So that, Monitor can mention your brand and products.

Mention monitors the web and social media. As a result, It delivers alerts in real-time by push notifications and creates alerts for keywords.

Also read: Content Writing Tools

Mention was founded in April 2012 with a partnership called eFounders. In 2013 Buffer became a new partner of mention.

It allows users to monitor mentions of their brand and share them with all the social network accounts via buffer.

Email Marketing Tools

1. Mailjet

Mailjet is a French cloud-based email delivery and tracking system that allows users to send marketing emails and transactional emails.

Mailjet platform provides effective tools that allow to design email, Send high volumes, and track emails. Also, You can create effective email marketing campaigns.

The company was founded by Wilfried Durand and Julien Tartarin in 2010 through startup studio eFounders.

2. HubSpot Email Marketing

HubSpot Probably well-known for its marketing automation platform but recently launched a free email marketing tool that provides lots of features.

One of the best parts is, you can generate leads using Hubspot email marketing tools for free.

The tool features are handy drag-and-drop visual editor, and it also comes equipped with pre-built templates to get you up and running immediately.

HubSpot was founded in 2006 by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah. It is an American developer and marketer of software products for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service.

3. Sender

The sender is one of the best and free email marketing tools in the market. It provides simple feature templates that you can create stunning newsletters without having any HTML knowledge.

You can choose the design from templates and customize it with elements such as videos, images, and text.

Sender’s robust analytics feature is the top reason why it is on your email marketing tools list. You can track who opened emails and clicked on the links.

4. Benchmark Email

Benchmark Email is an internet-based service provider of email marketing. It offers various free and paid options.

Benchmark Email is also a good option to include your email marketing tools list because you can add images to your email. Similarly, Edit the image right on the platform.

You can also design a fabulous email that looks great no matter which device the recipient using.

Benchmark Email was founded by Curt and Denise Keller in 2004. The was named one of the “20 B2B technologies in 2017” by Forbes.

5. Mailchimp

Mailchimp is an American all-in-all email marketing and automation platform. You can sign up free of cost similarly provides a free version MailChimp

The free version of Mailchimp provides basic email marketing features such as email creation and scheduling. You can also get audience insights to optimize your marketing efforts.

Mailchimp is one of the famous and best email marketing tools that you have probably heard of. Their free plane and feature make it famous in the market.

Mailchimp was founded in 2001 by Ben Chestnut and Mark Armstrong. In 2016, Mailchimp was ranked No. 7 out of 100 Forbes cloud list.

Customer Service Tools

1.  Zendesk

Zendesk is an American customer service company was founded by Mikkel Svane, Morten Primdahl, and Alexander Aghassipour in 2007.

It provides a full suite of tools to get your support team up and respond to all of your customers’ needs. Similarly, Zendesk lets you connect and understand all the customer data.

2. serVoice Helpdesk

A UserVoice Helpdesk is a great tool for designed customer service platforms. With UserVoice, you can set up a help desk and feedback site for your customer.

The reports offered to create it straightforward to envision that agents square measure performing best, and client satisfaction surveys allow you to acumen your team

performs as an entire.

What is more, the platform optimizes the method of assembling and analyzing client feedback without interrupting your guests.

3. LiveChat

LiveChat is a customer service tool that lets you reach customers with more personality and experience with a live chat solution.

The passive chat box that lives on your page lets your potential customers reach right out to some of your service reps, helping you effectively answer questions and inquiries.

You can get your customer experience, Quarry with a live chat and convinced them according to services. There are many digital marketing institute in Bangalore, but Learn Digital Academy is one of the best digital marketing training center in bangalore because we offer quality Digital marketing course in Bangalore and educational program at affordable prices.

Digital Marketing Strategies


We all know that digital marketing is nothing but promoting your business and products online with the main intention is to generate more number of leads by targeting right set of customers and drive profit from leads through their purchases. With the help of digital marketing we can run targeted campaigns for right set of customers and can expect the desired outcome in short span of time. Various digital marketing strategies we can incorporate are:

1. SEO(Search engine optimization)
2. Search engine marketing
3.Email Marketing
4.Content marketing
5.Affiliate Marketing
6.Mobile marketing
7.Webinar marketing
8.Video marketing
9.Google Ads
10.Social media marketing


Search engine optimization is a technique used to increase the visibility of the websites in the SERP(search engine result page). Each and every website present on the web would be scanned by google bots/spiders/crawlers. These spiders would scan each and every content present on the web page such as links, content, images, and so on. The spiders can scan up to 1000 pages per second. After scanning Google bots would be involved in the indexing process indexing is the processing of information gathered during the crawling process.

If the crawlers find any information which is of quality content then it would be added to Google searchable index. Here the crawlers would analyze words on the page and also alt and various header tags during indexing. Now let us see the different types of SEO

a.On-Page SEO
b.OFF Page SEO

On-Page SEO mainly deals with elements within the webpage such as title, meta description. Various elements that has to be optimized during the on-page SEO are:

The title tag is one of the most important tags present on a webpage. According to the search engine standards, the ideal character length of the title tag should be between 55-60 characters. If the character length is more than 60 characters then it would not be considered as part of SEO.

2.Meta description
The meta description tag is mainly used to provide a summary of your webpage. It is one the most important tags as search engine bots look for meta description on a web page. If the meta description is not present on the web page then it could not be considered for ranking factor and your website would be having a low ranking. The ideal character length of the meta description should be around 160 characters.

The URL Of the web page has to be SEO friendly in order to increase the ranking of your website. The various factors that affect the URL as part of SEO are:

a. Relevant content should be present in the URL
b. Each word should be separated by a hyphen character
c. Right keywords should be mentioned in the URL
d. Upper case letters should not be present.

Following are the examples of good and bad URL structure
1.https://www.amazon.com/about-us/(Good practice)
2.https://www.fxyz.com/t44545sd(Bad practice)

4.Header tags
The header tags are an important part of SEO. The title of the web page should be present in the h1 tag and subtitle in the h2 tag.
All the other important content should be present from h3 to h6 tags. It is important to make sure that to include the right content for the right tags

5.Alt tag
The Alt tag is used to give a name to an image. If an alt tag is not present for your website then search engine bots would decrease the ranking of your website considerably. By using alt tags it will give a positive impact on your website rankings

Related Post: Role of Email Marketing in Business Promotion

Right keywords that are most commonly searched by users in the search engine must be included in our content of the web page. We must include those keywords that have high volume and low competition. High volume keywords should be included in the h1 tag, URL.h2 tag, title tag, URL of the web page

The right content should be written in the right place. Plagiarism should not be followed while writing content and the practice of keyword stuffing, keyword cannibalization should not be used. High-quality content should be used throughout the website

8.Internal Links
Internal links are those that on clicking navigate from one web page to another web page within the same website. Internal links are very important from an SEO point of view as google bots like content which are having more number of internal links present.

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Sitemap.xml helps the search bots to navigate to a preferred web page in the website quite easily. It helps in faster indexing and scrolling. It can be generated by Yoast SEO. Without sitemap.xml search bots may not navigate easily to preferred page easily

Robots.txt is a text file that instructs the search bots on which page of the website should not be crawled. We can use robots.txt file to hide web page which contains sensitive and confidential information and instruct them not to crawl the page

OFF Page SEO refers to a set of actions/strategies we incorporate outside of our website in order to increase the ranking of our website in SERP. Various techniques followed in OFF Page SEO are:

1.Guest blogging
2.Blog commenting
3.Posting on bookmarking sites
4.Broken link building


Search engine marketing is one of the marketing strategies used where we focus on paid advertising. SEM is also called Pay per click where we pay for listing only when the user clicks on our advertisement. Google Ads is one of the most common methods of doing search engine marketing


Email stands for Electronic mail. Email marketing is one of the most effectively used digital marketing strategies that make our email subscribers receive relevant content about promotion, discounts, and so on. With the help of email marketing, we can build our email list and generate more number of leads in a cost-effective way.


1.Exact ROI can be tracked
2.Cost effective
3.Easier segmentation and personalization
4.Time saving
5.Enviornmental friendly
6.Increased conversion rate
7.We can trigger welcome emails to new customers through automation
8.We can measure the results of email campaigns through web analytics software
9.We can target the right set of audience through their website activity

In Email marketing having the right database is very much important. By having the right database we can target more number of contacts and subscribers Email marketing service providers(ESP)
Some of the most commonly used Email service providers are :

1. Aweber
2. Mailjet
3. Convertkit
4. Drip
5. Email Campaign
6. Mailchimp
7. Vertical response
9. Sendlane
10. Sendpulse


digital marketing strategy is a plan for establishing an internet presence through online channels such as organic search, social media, paid ads and other 360 marketing channels.

Digital Marketing: The Best Career Opportunity

Digital Marketing The Best Career Opportunity in 2021

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a type of marketing that uses internet platforms to promote products or services only.

Digital Marketing is defined by the use of numerous digital tactics and channels to connect with customers where they spend much of their time online.

Digital Marketing also known as internet marketing or online marketing.

Marketing on digital or online platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Quora, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

Digital marketing is a hardcore way to promote a business and make it known to an audience that is bombarded with tons of similar stimuli every minute of the day. Perhaps the very foundation of online marketing lies in finding newer ways to reach customers and markets that would be interested in what a business has to offer. Since traditional mediums like newspaper, prints and TVs have been tried over and over again, a new and creative internet marketing idea seems to be the fresh start that modern business so desperately need.

Why Digital Marketing?

According to statistics, 80% of the people in the world use the internet regularly. Out of these, 97% use it to search for products that they eventually end up buying. Google research reveals that 10.3 billion searches are conducted online result in nine out of 10 product/business follow-ups. With such high rates of internet usage and the possibility of customers getting back to you, wouldn’t you want your small business to have a face in the realm of the World Wide Web?

Digital Marketing Strategies.

A digital marketing strategy is a plan that helps your business achieves specific digital goals through selected online marketing channels and technologies to increase brand awareness for consumers. Redefining the strategies to broaden your brands reach digitally is very important. Whenever you enhance or introduced a product or service, change the strategy of what you are offering to consumers online and convey it using the right digital platforms.

Why have digital marketing strategies?

Without Internet marketing strategies, your business doesn’t have a map for achieving its goals. You know what you want to accomplish, but you don’t know how. That often leads to the launch of a Digital Marketing Campaign Future that fails to drive any results.

How to create digital marketing Strategies?

The first step to do through background researches. Explore online marketing channels. Initially, you can start with one channel to understand how digital marketing works.

Example :-

  • Publish a blog content.
  • Advertise on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media platforms.
  • Create an email campaign.
  • Product a Podcast.
  • Internet business analysis.



56% of market customers believed in content writing. Content marketing is a type of marketing focused on creation and distribution of online materials that directly or indirectly promote a brand. Direct promotion refers to the creation of promotional materials and content used for advertising purposes. content writing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and ultimately to drive profitable customer action.

  • To entertain.
    • To inspire.
    • To educate.
    • To convince.
    • Easy to consume.
    • Original.
    • Relevant.

This type of content is usually used in paid ads (SEM) or affiliate links (affiliate marketing). On the other hand, content marketing is frequently void of any direct promotion. The purpose of this kind of content is simply to increase interest in your products or services. This way, content marketing indirectly attracts and acquires leads and customers


70% of market customers prefer social media platforms for online shopping. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube are listed as the top platforms currently used by social media marketing teams. Social media marketing is a type on online marketing that is geared towards social websites and forums. Such marketing efforts are made to achieve communication and branding goals because each of these is at the heart of a promotional campaign. In other words, when a business has set up a page on social websites with all its details and products, it wants to attract attention and traffic to it. SMM is the method employed to do so.

Social Media platform.

The number of social media websites on the internet today is surprising.

From several that existed some 10 years ago, hundreds have sprung up to attract viewers belonging to different lifestyles, having particular interests. Before a social media marketer targets marketing efforts on online forums, they need to be fully aware of the various platforms that exist in this category.

Must read: How does Digital Marketing Works?


Facebook is one of the oldest and the most popular social networks around. The platform has a very casual and upbeat feel to it, where users interact, look for products and services and recommend the same to the list of friends and family they have added


This social media marketing platform is all about gaining a solid base of followers. Twitter is a social website that lets users post or ‘tweet’ small updates related to new product launches, sales, and upcoming events or simply wish followers a good day to ignite a thread of conversation. The ‘re-tweet’ option is the perfect excuse to share a positive review from a customer.


A strong competitor in the social media market, Google+ has been customized such that it provides many new features for SMM that other websites do not. The possibility to integrate several Google services, such as Google Maps, is perfect for integrating those into the promotion of your business. Google+ also has a fun and casual approach to sharing pictures, videos and links. The website also has a feature called Google+ circles that lets businesses segment their entire market into various groups.


LinkedIn is a professional social website that attracts business people from various industries. This forum is perfect for initiating a conversation with people from the same industry and post content rich articles that will be understood by like-minded people.

There are many features like LinkedIn groups, that help you segment the target market and attract them with different content, and LinkedIn profile, where customers can give testimonials and in effect, recommend your business to others.


YouTube needs no introduction. Being the number one channel for video communication, businesses have taken advantage of the various audio and visual features of YouTube to create content rich videos and target them at customers and fans. YouTube videos can also be posted on Facebook and Twitter to double the SMM effect.


SEO techniques may be used to improve the visibility of your product, business, website, product brand and about product content. It’s important that the traffic you drive to your website is relevant to your industry. sEO, in today’s world, is a vital concept. However, it is often subjected to various misconceptions, and unrealistic ideas about what it can and cannot achieve. There are various forms of SEO that are in practice today and these include white hat, black hat and grey hat search engine optimization.

There is one major division of SEO elements. There are on-site or on-page elements, and offsite or off-page SEO elements.

On-page SEO

On-page SEO is the type of SEO activities that can be conducted on your own website, hence the name on-page or on-sites. On-page optimization represents creating a strategy to apply best practices and recommendations in order to improve the way search engines see your website, which will affect ranking and your business in general. On-page optimization consists of optimization of different elements of a website, which all are the factors that influence ranking.

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to the external elements that influence the optimization of the website, and thus they affect ranking. Besides learning about a website, search engines use external factors to evaluate the websites and rank them accordingly. Two most important metrics are certainly the engagement, where search engines measure the time users spend on a website, as well as external links, where the main presumption is that people would only link to quality content.

Three types of SEO.

Based on the different approaches and results, there are three different types of SEO. These include:

  • White hat SEO.
  • Black hat SEO.
  • Grey hat SEO.


Since we have established that SEM is an important part of any successful marketing strategy nowadays, as an effective tool to promote and hence improve the business, we should also analyze the correlation between search engine marketing and other types of marketing. Search engine marketing refers to a form of digital marketing that aims at increasing the visibility of a website in search engines by using paid method

Advantages of SEM –

  • Among the many benefits that search engine marketing can provide, cost effectiveness is the major one. This can be demonstrated by using the pay-per-

click methods. This method only charges you if a user clicks on your advertisement.

  • if you learn the basics of the SEM, you will start looking for proven techniques and methods to increase your traffic.
  • SEM has out-struck almost every other method used for marketing and promotion. One of the biggest advantages SEM offers is that the costs and expenses applied through the marketing are comparatively less than other means and methods of marketing.
  • Another big advantage of SEM is that your advertisement would run twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week
  • Search engine marketing also allows a complete control over your campaign, your audience, and the campaign costs.


Affiliate marketing is known as a marketing technique and practice in which a single business rewards single or more affiliates for bringing customers or visitors through the affiliate marketing ways. In other words, as a publisher, you would be rewarded when you support another business by promoting their services or products.

There are various different affiliate programs, which can be used for different payment ways such as:

Pay per sale

In this affiliate program, the merchant pays the percentage of the sales price when the purchase is fully done.

Pay per lead

You will be paid just once and that too when the referred customers or visitors will provide the target site their contact information by filling the contact form.

Pay per click

This is the most common program in affiliate marketing. With this type of affiliate marketing, you will be paid based on the number of visitors you send to the merchant’s website. In this case, making a sale or generating a leads is not important for earning commission.


Email marketing is a widely used technique by companies and firms who want to reach out to their audience. It is a simple and highly effective technique, which is why it has become so very popular in the business world today. Research and statistics show that the number of people who use this method is increasing day by day, and that it is indeed one of the fastest growing techniques being used by online marketers.

Also read: Why Digital Marketing is must for all Businesses

Email marketing is a part of online marketing focused on communicating and establishing the connection with online users through emails. Regardless if the goal is promotional or informative, regardless if you send weekly or monthly, the core of email marketing is still communication with the recipient. The purpose of this communication is to nurture the relationship with the existing or potential customers, and to encourage an action which is the goal of an email marketing campaign.

To make sure you are communicating successfully, your email message should be:

  • Relevant to the recipient
    • With a relevant, yet engaging subject line
    • Concise and spot on
    • Planned
    • Sent at the right moment
    • In the language the recipient understands
    • Without any grammatical or spelling errors
    • Without any broken links



  • Digital Marketing executive.
    • SEO expert.
    • Social media expert
    • PPT expert.


  • Web designing.
    • Blogging
    • Content writer


After Learning Digital Marketing Skills you can utilizes the internet and its wealth of resources for promotional, profile-raising purposes. Modern market has transferred to the online world where companies can now reach customers worldwide, using different forms of online marketing. Not only does this increase the potential market and the number of potential customers, but it also provides companies with the chances of establishing the position on global market and thus reaching for greater success and achievement of long-term goals.