Best Data Science Courses

Our skill diploma in data science is one of the best data science courses available at Learn Digital Academy. Gain in-depth knowledge
about techniques, languages, tools, and methods used in data science and become a certified data scientist.

Skill Diploma In data science Courses

In the era of data explosion, extracting information from data has to be the job of the era, no choice at all in that matter. Using data science organizations study the data available for valuable information about market patterns which in turn will help the business have an edge over the competitors. We are also the most trusted team that is offering the Best Data Science Courses since 2017 in Bangalore

Data Science deals with data collection, cleaning, analysis, visualization, model creation, model validation, prediction, designing experiments, hypothesis testing, and much more. It is used extensively by companies like Amazon, Netflix, the healthcare sector, in the fraud detection sector, internet search, airlines, etc.

On the other hand, machine learning gives computers the ability to learn from data without explicitly programming.  This comes in handy in the process of data science as in data science one needs to extract information from data.

data science coures - MODULES

Core Python

Object Oriented Python

NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit-Learn

Mathematics for Machine Learning

Supervised, Unsupervised Machine Learning

Natural Language processing

Time Series Analysis

Artificial Neural Networks

Reinforcement Learning

Visual Analytics with Tableau

data science course details - Key Highlights

best data science courses 1


  • Project and use-cases derived from businesses.
  • 100% Placement assistance.
  • Dedicated training programs for Non – IT Professionals.
  • Backup classes and access to the LMS.
  • Flexible online training sessions
  • Free Technical Support.
  • Extensive Coverage
  • Hands-On Programming in Class
  • Regular Assignments and Tests.
  • Capstone Projects on different domains

eligibility criteria and duration


This course is designed for fresh and experienced candidates alike. In six months you will have a strong base and good grip on different aspects of data science such as NLP, RL, and TSA.


100 hours


Jain University


Defining Data Science and what Data Scientists do, Data Science and skills required, what is Big Data and how is it connected to Data Science, what is Machine Learning.

Business understanding, data acquisition and understanding, modelling, deployment

Supervised Machine Learning, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Regression Analysis, Classification, Clustering, Deep Learning vs Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing

The NumPy ndarray, universal functions, array-oriented programming, indexing and array processing, file input and output, linear algebra, pseudorandom number generation.

Series, dataframes and index objects in Pandas, summary, correlation, handling missing data, data transformation, unique values, pivoting, groupby, aggregations.

Matplotlib basic plots, axis, subplot, Seaborn advanced plots, plotting data with Pandas

History of Python, unique features, installation and environment setup, Conda as a package manager, virtual environments, Jupiter lab, how Python code is organized?, Python execution model, guideline on how to write good code, identifiers and keywords, indentation and comments

Everything is an object, mutable or immutable, numbers, boolean, complex numbers, strings and bytes, string formatting, print function, input function, datetime module

Tuples, Lists, Sets, Dictionaries, indexing and slicing, negative indexing, range function, type casting, zip and enumerate functions, collections and named tuples

Opening files, using context manager to open a file, reading and writing to a file, exceptions, exception handling, try statement, finally statement, with statement, dumping and loading with pickle, joining paths with os module

The match function, search function, matching vs searching, search and replace, extended regular expressions, wildcard

Decorators, Classes, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstract Classes, Data Classes

Map function, filter function, List comprehensions, dict and set comprehensions, generator functions, generator expressions, name localization

If-elif-else statement, ternary operator, for loop, iterators and iterables, while loop, break and continue statements, a special else clause, iter function

Scope and name resolution, global and non-local statements, input parameters, positional and keyword arguments, default arguments, return values, recursive functions, anonymous functions, function attributes, built-in functions, document your code, importing objects

Types of data, Data Summarization, Measures of Central Tendencies, Measures of Central Dispersion, Data Visualization, Correlation Matrix

Probability Distributions, Normal Distribution, Standard Normal Distribution ( Z Distribution), F-Distribution, Chi-Square Distribution, Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution, QQ Plot

Population and Samples, Sampling methods, Sampling Bias, Sampling Error, Central Limit Theorem, Confidence Interval

Hypothesis Testing, Null and Alternate Hypothesis, Type 1 and Type 2 Errors, P Value, Level of Significance, Parametric Tests, Non-Parametric Tests.

Vectors, Line, Linear Equations, Planes, Matrix, Matrix Operations, Eigenvalue’s, Eigen Vectors, PCA, Singular Vector Decomposition

Simple Linear Regression, Bias Variance Trade-off, Overfitting and Underfitting, Generalization Error and Regularization, Multiple Linear Regression, Hyperparameter Tuning, Cross Validation, Model Evaluation, Accuracy, RMSE,  Lasso, Ridge and Polynomial Regression, Case Study

Binary Classification, Multiclass Classification, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Naïve-Bayes, Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbour(KNN), Neural Network, Case study

Model Performance Assessment, Confusion Matrix, Precision, Recall, F1-Measure, ROC Curve

Random Forest, Bagging, Gradient Boosting, AdaBoost, XGBoost, Case Study

K-Means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Clustering Validation Statistics, Dimensionality Reduction with Principal Component Analysis(PCA), Association Rule, Case Study

  Language used: python

  Tools used: anaconda, Jupyter lab, sublime text

  libraries used: scikit-learn, Pandas, numpy, Matplotlib, seaborn

Time Series Data, Autoregressive Models, Autocorrelation, Moving average smoothing, Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA), Time Series Components, Decomposition

  Language used: python

  Tools used: anaconda, Jupyter lab, sublime text

  libraries used: nltk, numpy

Processing Text, Removing Special Characters, Tokenization, Stemming, Lemmatization, Removing Stopwords, POS Tagging, N-Grams, Shallow Parsing, Text Representation, Building a Text Corpus, Bag of Words Model, Bag of N-Grams Model, TF-IDF Model, Topic Models, Latent Semantic Analysis(LSA), Linear discriminant analysis (LDA)

  Language used: python

♦  Tools used: anaconda, jupyter lab, sublime text

  libraries used: tensorflow, keras

Perceptron, Gradient descent, Cost functions, Backpropagation, Weight Initialization, Activation functions, TensorFlow, Keras, Sequential Models, Functional APIs, Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks.

  Language used: python

  Tools used: anaconda, Jupyter lab, sublime text

  libraries used: numpy, openai gym

How Agents Use and Update Their Strategy, Discrete or Continuous Actions, Optimization Methods, Policy Evaluation and Improvement, Reward Engineering, Multi-Arm Bandit Testing, Markov Decision Processes, Policies and Value Functions, Q-Learning, n-Step Algorithms.

  Language used: python

  Tools used: anaconda, jupyter lab, sublime text

  libraries used: numpy, pandas, surprise

Collaborative filtering, Content-based systems, Knowledge-based recommenders, Evaluation

Learning Path


Data Preprocessing


Feature Engineering

Feature Selection



Model Evaluation


Model Deployment

Natural Language Processing


Time Series Analysis

Reinforcement Learning


Artificial Neural Networks



Program Highlights

This expansive learning path will help you excel across the entire data science technologies and techniques.

Mastering the field of data science begins with understanding and working with the core technology used for analyzing.

Once master data management and predictive analytic techniques, you will gain exposure to state-of-the-art machine learning technologies.

You’ll be expertise in complex data science algorithms and their implementation using Python.


  • What sets Learn Digital Academy apart from other institutes proving similar courses is that we are not only a training institute, we are part of the industry itself, providing solutions to our clients through our parent company Web i7 Digital.
  • Having placed 100+ candidates in different companies we have a clear-cut picture of what the industry is looking about.
  • This knowledge allows us to create courses with respect to the gap in the skillset the industry is facing. We had very precisely selected topics as per the requirements of the industry and our experienced trainers are capable of handling topics in-depth.
  • The plus of being a brand in the industry is that placement services are effective.
  • To Summaries we offer the best courses as per the industry requirements and with our experienced trainers and effective placement services we are your best choice.
data science courses

Map Your Future In

Data Scientist

Business Analyst

Map Your Skill

Data Visualization Expert

Data Analyst


Data Science

Machine Learning

Business Intelligence

Statistical Analysis

Data Analysis


Python Programming


languages and tools covered

Job Opportunities in Data Science

Data Scientists are needed for businesses in every Industry. Even fortune companies as  Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft need data science experts who have in-depth knowledge of data extraction, data mining, visualization, etc. Some of the leading data science careers are,
  • Business Intelligence Developer
  • Data Architect
  • Applications Architect
  • Industry Architect
  • Enterprise Architect
  • Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Engineer
data science courses 1

Who can learn this Data Science Course?

This Data Science course is best for individuals who are looking to transform their careers. People who have the passion to use the data, analyze, visualize, and use it for the betterment of the Business and society.For those mathematics enthusiasts, who can apply math’s in real life and solve complex business challenges.

This is specifically ideal for the people who are
  • Analysts and Software engineers
  • looking for a career shift in the data science stream.
  • Fresher’s who want to start the career as we teach from the basics and gradually build up your skills.
  • Individuals who are graduated and working in the Data Science field and looking to upgrade their careers.
Transform your career as a Data Scientist
The fuel of 21st Century
More Jobs and High Salary
Skills Demand
A lucrative career
Data Science is a future

Get Ahead with Learn Digital's Diploma Certificate


Our Diploma program is exclusive and the university certificate is proof that you have taken a huge leap in mastering the course.


The knowledge and skills you’ve gained working on projects, simulations, case studies will set you ahead of the competition.


Talk about it on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, boost your resume, or frame it – tell your friends and colleagues about it.

data science course fees


·        According to Gartner, by the end of 2024, 75% of enterprises will shift from piloting to operationalizing AI, driving a 5X increase in streaming data and analytics infrastructures.

·        Within the current pandemic context, AI techniques such as machine learning (ML), optimization and natural language processing (NLP) are providing vital insights and predictions about the spread of the virus and the effectiveness and impact of countermeasures.

·        AI techniques such as reinforcement learning and distributed learning are creating more adaptable and flexible systems to handle complex business situations.

·        By 2023, more than 33% of large organizations will have analysts practicing decision intelligence, including decision modelling.

·        Augmented data management uses ML and AI techniques to optimize and improve operations.  It also converts metadata from being used in auditing, lineage and reporting to powering dynamic systems.

·        Blockchain technologies address two challenges in data and analytics. First, Blockchain provides the full lineage of assets and transactions. Second, Blockchain provides transparency for complex networks of participants.

data science course fees 1
Batches Completed
0 +
Students Trained
0 +
Experienced Trainers
0 +



Our Achievements



·   This course is designed for candidates who are already into data science but need to refresh or extend their knowledge. A workshop on python libraries NumPy, Pandas and Seaborn can be availed additional if you lack knowledge of these libraries. If you are fresh to Python, Master’s in Data Science course is advised.

Data Science is a versatile field that has found applications in every industry, including healthcare, banking, e-commerce, business, and consultancy services.While Data analyst,Data scientist, and data engineer broadly describe the different roles data experts can play at a company.

The most important trait among data scientists aren’t technical degrees, or the amount of time spent in school. It’s the curiosity that pulls them to hard problems and pulls out solutions and new insights from old datasets. You can get into data science from a non-technical background and do the same thing.

Of course! While studying a course with Learn Digital Academy, you’re assigned a dedicated Program Mentor who not only supports you academically, but also guides you on the most suitable career path. Throughout the course, your Program Mentor will encourage you to finish projects, engage in classes and get the most out of this Course

Classes will be both Online /Offline, Weekday/Weekends as per your Convenience and Comfort.

Always there will be a backup class for every class.

Yes, we Provide TOP Interview Questions and Answers which are frequently asked in interviews, Latest tips and tricks to clear your technical rounds.

Candidate must have at least 80% attendance for each module and should have knowledge of all the modules that has been taught.


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