AI Training In Bangalore


Skill Diploma In AI And Deep Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already a part of our day to day life. When you are opening your mobile with your face ID or when you are using browsing your social media feeds, AI is working behind the scenes in more than one way. Even though deep learning models have been around for more than 4 decades, it gained traction within the last decade only. Since the 2010s, advances in both machine learning algorithms and computer hardware have led to more efficient methods for training deep neural networks that contain many layers of non-linear hidden units and a very large output layer. Learn Digital Academy is also concerned to provide AI Training In Bangalore since 2017 by awarded agency based industry experts 

In November 2015, Google released TensorFlow, a deep learning framework with a flexible architecture that allows for the easy deployment of computation across a variety of platforms (CPUs, GPUs, TPUs), and from desktops to clusters of servers to mobile and edge devices. One year later in 2016 September, Facebook released the initial version PyTorch, a deep learning library in Python. These two libraries started the revolution in deep learning and AI.

Since its release both the framework has been leading the industry leaving their competitors far behind. For this course though we will go with TensorFlow 2.0 released in September 2020.

AI Training COURSE in bangalore - MODULES

Mathematics for Deep Learning

Deep Neural Networks

TensorFlow and Keras

Deep Computer Vision

Time Series Analysis with RNN and CNN

Natural Language processing and Attention

Generative Adversarial Networks

Deep Reinforcement Learning

Key Highlights

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  • Six months course [200 hours]
  • Online/Offline Mode of learning
  • Weekday/Weekend Classes
  • Extensive Coverage
  • Hands-On Programming in Class
  • Regular Assignments and Tests.
  • Job Readiness
  • Capstone Projects
  • Mock Interviews
  • Optional Cutting Edge Projects [Additional three months, two projects]

eligibility criteria and duration


Someone who is having their Python and Data Science basics covered up can learn this course


6 months (200 hours)


Jain University


  Artificial Intelligence
  Machine Learning
  Deep Learning
  The Promise of AI

  Linear Algebra
      • Vector and Matrix Operations
  Introduction to  Probability
      • Probability and Sets
      • Conditional Probability and the Bayes Rule
      • Random Variable and Probability Distributions
  Information Theory
  Differential Calculus

  Multi-Layer Perceptrons
  Activation Functions
  Feed Forward Process
  Error Functions
  Optimization Algorithms

  CNN Architecture
  Convolutional Layers
  Pooling layers and Subsampling
  Fully Connected Layer
  Image Classification with CNN
  Adding Dropout Layers to avoid Overfitting
  Transfer Learning
Style Transfer

  Sequential Memory and Sequential Modelling
  Back Propagation
  Vanishing Gradient Problem
  Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM)
  Gradient Recurrent Unit (GRU)
  Bidirectional RNN
  Stateful RNN

  What is GAN?

  Word Embedding
  Distributed Representations
  Neural Embedding
  RNN Topologies
  Encoder-Decoder Architecture
  Attention Mechanism
  Transformer Architect
  Using CNN for Sentiment Analysis

  Using an Attention Mechanism to Make Feed Forward Networks More Time-Aware
  CNN for Time Series
  RNN for Time Series
  Combination Architectures

  Introduction to RL
  Introduction to Open AI Gym
  Deep Q Networks
  Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient

Learning Path

TensorFlow 2.0

Keras Modelling

Keras Modelling

Deep Neural Networks

Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional Neural Networks

Computer Vision

Recurrent Neural Network

Recurrent Neural Network

Time Series Analysis

Natural Language Processing


Variational Autoencoders

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANS)

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANS)

Deep Reinforcement Learning

Program Highlights

Deep learning foundation

You will learn the basics of deep neural networks (DNN) and implement the same using TensorFlow and Keras. Further, you will go through Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN).

Deep learning application

You will explore more into deep learning in the domains of Time Series Analysis, Natural language Programming, and Computer Vision.

Advanced Deep Learning

You will learn more advanced topics and applications of deep learning; Variational Autoencoders, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and Deep Reinforcement Learning.


  • What sets Learn Digital Academy apart from other institutes proving similar courses is that we are not only a training institute, we are part of the industry itself, providing solutions to our clients through our parent company Web i7 Digital.
  • Having placed 100+ candidates in different companies we have a clear-cut picture of what the industry is looking about.
  • This knowledge allows us to create courses with respect to the gap in the skillset the industry is facing. We had very precisely selected topics as per the requirements of the industry and our experienced trainers are capable of handling topics in-depth.
  • The plus of being a brand in the industry is that placement services are effective.
  • To Summaries we offer the best courses as per the industry requirements and with our experienced trainers and effective placement services we are your best choice.
artificial intelligence course in bangalore

Map Your Future In

AI Engineer

Computer Vision Developer

Map Your Skill

Deep Learning Expert

NLP developer




Hyperparameter Tuning



Google Colab

languages and tools covered

Job Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to deliver some of the most significant and disruptive innovations of this century. Self-driving cars, robotic assistants, and automated disease diagnosis are all products of an emerging AI revolution that will reshape how we live and work.
You can be an AI Engineer in any of the following domains and more:
• Retail
• Construction
• Supply Chain Management
• Business Intelligence
• Information Technology
• Education
• Transportation
• Manufacturing
• Healthcare
• Cyber Security
• Cryptocurrency

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Who can learn this Artificial Intelligence Courses?

Artificial Intelligence is one of the fastest-growing technology in different sectors of our life. Having so wide usage, multiple industry sectors require skilled AI engineers. So regardless of which industry you are in, AI is the skill you should acquire.

Get Ahead with Learn Digital's Diploma Certificate


Our Diploma program is exclusive and the university certificate is proof that you have taken a huge leap in mastering the course.


The knowledge and skills you’ve gained working on projects, simulations, case studies will set you ahead of the competition.


Talk about it on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, boost your resume, or frame it – tell your friends and colleagues about it.

artificial intelligence course
artificial intelligence course 1


  1. With the AI technologies like Augmented AI, Responsible AI, Generative AI, Composite AI, and AI-Assisted Design still in their infancy, deep learning and AI are going to stay hot for at least the next five to ten years.
  2. The companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, NVIDIA, Adobe, Microsoft, Uber, and Accenture are hiring skilled AI Engineers with mindboggling salary hikes ( 2 to 3 times the current salaries). They have around 20% of positions still vacant.
  3. More and more companies are becoming AI-ready and thus the number of jobs is also getting increased.
Batches Completed
0 +
Students Trained
0 +
Experienced Trainers
0 +



Our Achievements



Anyone who is looking to get a job in any of the vast domains that uses Python as programming Language.

The companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, NVIDIA, Adobe, Microsoft, Uber, and Accenture are hiring skilled AI Engineers with mindboggling salary hikes ( 2 to 3 times the current salaries). They have around 20% positions still vacant. More and more companies are becoming AI ready and thus the number of jobs are also getting increased.

Python is known as the beginner’s language. Because it is similar to English, it is easier to learn than many other languages out there. It has better readability and most of the concepts can be written with lesser line of codes than other languages.

Of course! While studying a course with Learn Digital Academy, you’re assigned a dedicated Program Mentor who not only supports you academically, but also guides you on the most suitable career path. Throughout the course, your Program Mentor will encourage you to finish projects, engage in classes and get the most out of this Course

Classes will be both Online /Offline, Weekday/Weekends as per your Convenience and Comfort.

Always there will be a backup class for every class.

Yes, we Provide TOP Interview Questions and Answers which are frequently asked in interviews, Latest tips and tricks to clear your technical rounds.

Candidate must have at least 80% attendance for each module and should have knowledge of all the modules that has been taught.


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